Case Study:
Barfoot & Thompson Remuera

Industry: Professional Services


Website Design & Build, Digital Marketing

Taking the hard sell out of real estate.

Remuera is home to some of New Zealand’s finest residential property. And Barfoot and Thompson Remuera have been at the forefront of real estate sales for longer than any other company. 

Barfoot and Thompson have a heritage that dates back almost 100 years ago. But while Head Office take care of the company’s overall brand communications, individual branches have the ability to create marketing messages aimed at a local audience.

In this case, high income/high net worth homeowners in the 40+ age group.

Website Design & Build

Barfoot and Thompson’s existing corporate website provided generic details of the branch, but as a platform, there was limited opportunity to share Barfoot Remuera’s unique approach to selling. 

Under the management of Branch Manager Carolyn Vernon, Barfoot Remuera agents offer a customer-first approach – carefully listening to a vendor’s expectations and creating campaigns that help them achieve their goals. This is quite different from the commssion-driven, sell-at-all-costs attitude adopted by a number of competitors. 

Right Hand Man designed and built a new website to showcase Barfoot Remuera's key point of difference. We also created a series of inbound articles that provide visitors with valuable property insights.

Google Search Advertising

After analysing search traffic volumes, it was clear that Google advertising could drive direct enquiries. We undertook keyword research and analyses to understand which keywords would deliver the best results and maximum clicks. And then set up implemented and optimised campaigns.

Content Plan / Content Creation

Most real estate agencies (and agents) are active on social media, but the content they produce is typically about the houses they’ve sold or are currently selling. In small doses these ‘sales’ messages are okay, but people soon switch off when it’s all they see. 

We wanted to turn the script around and formulate a social media plan focusing on content that provided valuable insights to potential buyers in the area.

We wanted to go behind the scenes of an agent's typical work week – sharing the different aspects of marketing a home. And we wanted to tell stories about vendors and buyers - after all, the real estate industry is more about people than property!

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