Case Study:
Woodside Wiri

Industry: Health and Wellbeing


Website Design & Build, Digital Marketing

Woodside Bar & Restaurant wanted more people hiring their venue…

… but they didn’t want a flashy ad campaign

Woodside is a new bar and restaurant in the heart of Manukau. Built from scratch, this handsome, spacious venue opened in mid-2018. The name ‘Woodside’ recalls Manukau’s rural past of the 1850s when a hotel actually stood on the site, which was then Woodside Farm.

The new Woodside Bar & Restaurant was designed as a place where locals, their friends and families could catch up and share some food, drink and quality time. Upstairs, there is a spacious, modern private venue available for hire. 

To drum up some early awareness, Right Hand Man designed and hosted the Woodside website as the venue was being built. In June 2019, Woodside approached Right Hand Man wanting to boost their private venue hire bookings. Here’s what we did…

Woodside Wiri website
Woodside Banner

The Campaign


We rewrote the copy for the venue webpage, pushing the benefit of FREE venue hire when you spend a minimum amount on catering and led with the headline ‘Why spend money hiring a venue, when you can book a venue for FREE at Woodside?’

In the body copy, we also stressed that Woodside would take the hassle out of organising your event by doing the hard work for you. 


We included a series of scrolling photos showcasing the venue, beers on tap, the mouth-watering food and people having a good time.


We also prepared and posted a compelling listicle, outlining 10 good reasons to book your venue at Woodside for FREE!


As importantly, we refreshed Woodside’s Google Ads with a focus on the free venue hire, highlighting benefits such as full bar, delicious catering, private bathrooms, lift access and enough room for 96 guests. We also stressed that the venue was perfect for almost any function, especially weddings, 21sts, parties and work-dos.


We managed Facebook and Instagram for Woodside, regularly posting evocative images of food, beverages, entertainment and people having a great time. We ensure content is updated regularly to keep it fresh, vibrant and relevant.


These marketing initiatives where highly effective in driving more traffic to the Woodside website, and in positioning the venue as a desirable, affordable place at which to hold functions.

The rise in website traffic resulted in an increase in enquiries for hire of the venue, a good percentage of which Woodside management were able to convert into bookings. The return on these marketing initiatives comfortably exceeded the initial investment and venue bookings remain healthy as we head into the second half of the year.

Here’s what Brett has to say about our Service:

“I have found Right Hand Man very good to deal with. They are personable, patient with a good technical knowledge base of what they can provide and from that how best to meet our business needs. We are developing a good on-going relationship with them which will only enhance our brand moving forward. 

Right Hand Man’s knowledge of the Auckland hospitality scene combined with their expertise in social media can only add value to any venue in our city or wider afield. I recommend them to any hospitality organisation seeking marketing initiatives in their business plan as a very worthwhile option.”

– Brett Wilson: General Manager, Woodside Wiri

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