Case Study:
Certus Financial

Industry: Consultancy/Professional Services


Inbound Marketing

The Power of Effective Inbound Marketing for Financial Services

Certus Financial Group help New Zealanders plan for financial certainty. They do this by providing personalised financial advice across a range of topics, including General Insurance, Personalised Insurance, Investments, Home Loans and KiwiSaver.

The challenge: multiple audiences, lots of news

With a large database, Certus knew they had to communicate with their customers regularly. The challenge was that a Certus insurance customer was quite different to a KiwiSaver client, and so on, so a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to communication wouldn’t be effective. Not only that, Certus Advisors are busy people, each focusing on their areas of expertise with little spare time to type up and send out newsletters.

A coordinated inbound programme

A coordinated approach was needed to bring marketing communications into line to make sure these would be regularly and seamlessly dispatched to the different Certus audiences.

Right Hand Man met with Certus to get a clear understanding of their marketing communication needs. First of all, we wanted to know more about the Certus team, the work they do, why they do it and what their future goals were.

A tailored solution

It emerged that Certus was well aware that the financial world and insurance industries are constantly changing. But their customers have no easy way of knowing when and why these changes have come into effect, or what action they need to take – if any. We knew we could help them with a specialist inbound package tailored to suit their unique requirements. 

6 audiences, 6 newsletters

Being in regular contact with customers is the best way of keeping customers informed. However, as Certus and Right Hand Man knew, one newsletter wouldn’t cover every service or product Certus provided, nor would it suit everyone in their multiple audiences. Strategically, we decided to separate the news into six newsletters. Three are emailed out in one quarter, three in the next quarter, and so on. The newsletters to different audiences include:

  1. Certus Life

  2. Certus Workplace

  3. Certus General Insurance

  4. NZ Retirement Trust

  5. Wealth View Watch

  6. KiwiSaver

Copy-edit, design and dispatch

Right Hand Man receives the copy from different Certus divisions, we copy-edit it, so each newsletter has a consistent Certus voice, we lay this up in email platform Mailchimp and we email it to the appropriate Certus audience.

The results

Reporting back to Certus after the newsletters are sent out, we can see there has been a noticeable shift in client engagement and the newsletters have been really well received within the Certus network. Overall, the Certus newsletters is a great ongoing project for Right Hand Man. We work really closely with the Certus team, and when our clients are busy and happy, it follows that we’re happy too.

Here’s what Mike has to say about our Service:

“As a small growing business, we dipped our toes into the marketing space and committed to the Right Hand Man Team. We are delighted with the service levels and seeing real results in our business performance. Thank you RHM!”

- Mike Dalley, Certus Director

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